
All Saints Day Planning Guide

The first Sunday in November is All Saints Sunday – a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the witness of the saints of our congregations. This resource book was designed to help you plan a meaningful worship experience.

Annual Report 2023

Annual Report 2023

Articles for Church Newsletters

These articles are designed for church newsletters to help promote planned and legacy gifts to the congregation. The articles can be customized by inserting the congregation’s name where appropriate.

Asset Inventory

Allows you to keep all of your personal and charitable records in one place. A helpful inventory guide when meeting with your attorney or estate executor.

Audited Financials 2023

Audit Report and Financial Statements

Charitable Gift Annuity

This is an updated guide for Charitable Gift Annuity in 2024.

Charitable Gift Annuity Video

To learn more about Charitable Gift Annuities, watch this video with Kirby Gould, VP North Central Zone.

Charitable Remainder Trust

Charitable Remainder Trust

Church Permanent Endowment Funds

Guides congregational leaders through the steps to create an endowment without detracting from the annual giving emphasis.

Closing Congregations: Sacred Stories

Sacred stories of closing and closed congregations and the legacy they leave.

Deposit Form for Existing Account

Used to add to an established Joint Investment Trust account.

Deposit Statement

Used to establish a new Joint Investment Trust account.

Direct Deposit Authorization

Streamline fund transfers to your local checking or savings accounts with automatic fund transfers.

Donor Restricted vs. Board Restricted Permanent Funds

This video explains the difference between donor restricted and board restricted permanent or endowment funds.


Watch this video to learn more about how we work with donors to help your legacy provide for your family and the ministries you care about.

Ejemplo de una Guía o Política Para: Un Fondo Permanente de una Congregación

Ayude a su congregación a prepararse para la bendición de una donación planificada.

Endowment Benefits

Discusses both the theological and practical implications of an endowment to enhance the congregation’s future witness.

Endowment Fund Model Policy

This is an example of a congregation’s endowment fund policy that outlines what the endowment fund is designed to do, who is responsible for oversight, how distributions are to be made and how gifts are to be handled. Recognizing donors and their gift “intentions” is a vital tool in creating a culture in which faithful members consistently bless the church with legacy gifts that reflect their love for their church family.

Endowment Fund Trustees

Learn about the role and responsibilities of an endowment fund trustee.

Epiphany Worship Resources

Epiphany is a wonderful time in the life of the church to celebrate the gifts given to your congregation. This document has resources to plan a meaningful worship service to honor those faithful givers and their gifts.

Information Statement

Similar to a prospectus; contains broad information about the Joint Investment Trust.


We work with your congregation to move more dollars to ministry.

Joint Investment Trust

An introduction to the Joint Investment Trust.

Joint Investment Trust Agreement

Legal agreement that governs the Joint Investment Trust.

Joint Investment Trust Online Access Form

Fill out this form to create online access to your JIT account.

Legacy Gifts

Gifts from donors’ estates are a special blessing. These gifts are often their final testimony that the church is called to serve many future generations. In all of the work that we do, however, one paramount consideration deserves special focus: We must make it a priority to understand and to honor any donor restrictions on gifts made to the church.

Legacy Giving

Introduces and gives a brief overview of the Mentoring Model. You can use this video in your congregations to promote legacy giving.

Litany for Endowment Donors

Contains a litany to recognize endowment donors in a worship service.

Managing Estate Gifts

A guide to managing estate gifts for congregations. Gifts from donors’ estates are a special blessing. These gifts are often their final testimony that the church is called to serve many future generations. We must make it a priority to understand and to honor any donor restrictions on gifts made to the church.

Mentoring Model

This video is the perfect way to introduce your congregation to the Mentoring Model.

Model Permanent Fund Policy

Help your congregation prepare for the blessing of a planned gift.

Online Access

Request online access to Joint Investment Trust accounts.

Participation Agreement

Agreement listing terms and conditions of the Joint Investment Trust.

Permanent Fund

An introduction to a Permanent Fund for individuals.

Planned Giving Seminar

Outlines suggested steps to make a seminar successful in your congregation.

Pre-Funeral Service Arrangements

This brochure contains information for Pre-Funeral Service Arrangements to help your loved ones know your final wishes and have all vital information in one place.

Protecting Congregational Assets

This paper was developed for the 2007 General Assembly in response to questions about congregational assets.

Recurring Distribution Request Form

Establish recurring quarterly, semi-annual or annual withdrawals.

Signature Card

Update authorized signers and number of signatures required under your ministry’s policies and procedures.

Steward’s Donor-Advised Fund Application & Agreement

An application to open a Donor-Advised Fund account.

Steward’s Donor-Advised Fund Grant Request

Download a form to request a distribution from your Donor-Advised Fund account.

Transfer Form

Transfer funds between established Joint Investment Trust accounts.

Treasurer’s Handbook

Contains a compilation of helpful tips and instructions for those involved with finances in the local congregation. It was compiled by the financial ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Trustees Checklist

A suggested checklist of responsibilities for Permanent Fund Trustees.

Ways to Give

Ways to give chart

Withdrawal Request Form

One-time withdrawal.