
Make a Gift

Gifts or Investment Deposits may be mailed to us at:

Christian Church Foundation
P.O. Box 1007
Indianapolis, IN 46206-1007

Gifts can be made to support Foundation operations, in memory or in honor of someone, to your named permanent fund, or to add to your Steward’s Donor-Advised Fund (results in a reduction of your gift, explained below).

Donate Now

Donation Options

Permanent Fund

If you would like to make a gift to a named permanent fund held at the Foundation, please click the Donate Now button. Complete the form, indicating the gift is for a permanent fund, and if you would like it to be a one-time donation or recurring. Go to the second page and complete the requested information, being sure to identify the permanent fund to which you would like your gift applied. If you would like a family member notified of this gift, we are happy to do so. Simply send us an e-mail at [email protected] to let us know the name and address of the person(s) you would like notified.

Donor-Advised Fund

Gifts may be made here for your donor-advised fund, however federal tax law does not allow you to receive any personal benefit, including credit card perks, in exchange for your gift. Accordingly, for donor-advised fund gifts made via credit card, the deposited amount will be reduced by all the related fees charged to us by your credit card company. To make a gift – whether from your bank account or by credit card – click on the Donate Now button. Complete the form, indicating the gift is for your Donor-Advised fund. Go to the second page and complete the requested information.

In Honor/Memory Of

If you would like to make a gift in memory of or in honor of someone, please click the Donate Now button. Complete the form, indicating that the gift is in memory of/in honor of, and whether this is a one-time donation or recurring. Go to the second page and complete the requested information, being sure to identify the name of the person you are memorializing or honoring. If you would like the person(s) you are honoring to be notified of this gift, we are happy to do so. Simply send us an e-mail at [email protected] to let us know the name and address of the person(s) you would like notified.

Foundation Operations

If you would like to make a gift toward the Foundation’s annual operations, please click the Donate Now button. Complete the form, indicating the gift is for Foundation operations.

Investment Additions

Investment deposits can NOT be received via this donation page. Please mail your deposit, along with a deposit slip, to the address provided above or contact us at [email protected] for ACH (bank transfer) instructions.