About Us
United Christian Missionary Society
The United Christian Missionary Society (UCMS) is the forerunner of the Division of Overseas Ministries and Disciples Home Missions. UCMS has no active employees, although it has eight Trustees and four Officers. Four Trustees are nominated by each the Division of Overseas Ministries and Disciples Home Missions. They are elected by the General Board of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and serve a term of four years.
The Christian Church Foundation is responsible for treasury services for UCMS, including receipting of charitable gifts and providing distributions per the instructions of the UCMS Trustees.
Inquiries about UCMS should be directed to:
Christy Stratton
(800) 668-8016
United Christian Missionary Society
c/o Christian Church Foundation
P.O. Box 1007
Indianapolis, IN 46206-1007