July 26, 2017
Ogden Christian Church, Ogden, Illinois
Like many rural communities, Ogden had experienced years of demographic change. Ogden Christian Church, with an aging population and community in regress, was struggling to survive for the next generation.
Weekly worship attendance was less than 20 when disaster struck: a tornado severely damaged the church and nearby property.
After prayerful discernment, consultations with regional staff, and work with the Christian Church Foundation, the remaining members of Ogden Christian Church decided to end their physical ministry.
Using a $300,000 insurance settlement, and selling other assets, the congregation established a permanent fund at the Christian Church Foundation. That fund, the congregation decided, would perpetually support a variety of Disciples-related ministries, including Disciples Mission Fund and Week of Compassion, and create an Ogden Christian Church Student Scholarship at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis.