About Us
Our Story
We serve Disciples by gathering, stewarding, and distributing dollars for mission. We do this by identifying and assisting donors who desire to make a difference through planned gifts, and by assisting Disciples ministries to be good stewards of their gifts through sound policies and prudent faith-based investment services.
Core Values
Commitment to Excellence
Continually working to improve our services and processes and to be responsive to the needs of donors and of our church.
Working to support all of the ministries of the church. Serving as an honest broker to connect ministries and donors for the benefit of the Gospel.
Honesty, transparency, full disclosure and the ability to fulfill our commitments.
Serving as trustee for donor and church dollars with the same level of commitment and care that we would have for our own resources. Understanding our purpose for being as a ministry to serve and to benefit all of the ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Fiduciary Responsibility
Prudent and diligent oversight of funds under management. Commitment to treat each donor dollar as a sacred gift, requiring the highest level of care.
What is the Christian Church Foundation?
Since 1961, the Christian Church Foundation has served the church’s mission and vision through planned giving, endowment funds, and other avenues through which donors can charitably distribute their gifts within the church and the world. The Christian Church Foundation works with individual donors, local congregations, legacy congregations, regions, and other ministries of the church to determine their passion for ministry and discern together the best way they can use their gifts to support ministry.
Throughout the past 60 years, we have worked with thousands of individual donors who want their legacy to leave a lasting impact for good through Disciples and other ministries, we have walked alongside countless congregations and ministry partners as they strive to be faithful stewards of their resources, we created the Joint Investment Trust with the express intent of pooling the investing strength of Disciples ministries for cost effective and professional fund management, and we have continued to hold our mission and core values at the forefront of our work to serve Disciples.
Our calling is to invest your resources and manage your gifts to leave a lasting legacy of change for good in this world. In the words of President Gary Kidwell, “Our purpose is to make distributions that produce dollars for ministry. Moving money to mission – that’s what we do.”