November 14, 2022

Foundation Board Grateful for Disciples’ Faithfulness and Stewardship

The Christian Church Foundation Board of Directors met in Denver, CO, November 4-6 to conduct business and to celebrate, at long last, the ministry of Rev. Jerry Lang, who retired as Foundation Mountain West Zone Vice President at the end of 2020. This was the first in-person fall meeting of the Board since November 2019.

The Board acknowledged the unstable market environment and reflected on the Foundation’s commitment to serve the Church forever and provide services consistently in any environment. President Gary Kidwell reported that the Foundation is financially prepared for these uncertain times, and he celebrated our partner investors and donors who remain faithful as we await positive changes in the financial markets.

The Board revisited the strategic planning process, engaging in discussions centered around the current needs of partners and donors and ways the Foundation can further meet those needs. The Board reviewed current year investment results, met with and interviewed fund managers, approved the 2023 budget and discussed plans for the upcoming General Assembly. New member, Rev. Dr. Nathan Brown of Marietta, GA was welcomed to the Board.

The Board remembered and honored the service of several saints of the church who also graciously shared their talents and served the Foundation: Mr. James Buchholz of Hermann, MO, founding partner of Prime Buchholz (the Foundation’s investment consultant), Mr. Dean Buffington of Boise, ID, Rev. Dr. Robert (Bob) Bock of Canyon Country, CA, and Mr. John Gould of Olathe, KS.

Finally, the Board recognized the incoming Chair, Rev. Tanya Tyler of Ruidoso, NM, and recognized the outstanding service and commitment of outgoing Chair, Rev. Joanne VerBurg of Black Mountain, NC.

The Board will meet next on April 23-25, 2023, in Indianapolis, IN.